Q: Are there Mega Evolutions? Nuzlocke mode? Following Pokemon? After extracting the download, open the game folder, then open the Game.exe (little galaxy pokeball icon). Q:What emulator do I use? Can this be played on Mac?Ī: None, this can only be played on a Windows operating system. I designed this game to reward your curiosity and promote discovery. So try to refrain from asking questions like that unless you have exhausted all your other options. We are not here to hold your hand, because you should not need your hand held. If you explore enough and interact with things enough, you will naturally find the answers to your questions. Q: Where do I go after _? Where do I find ? How do I evolve _? etc.Ī: Play the game. during dialogue and special event battles, it can be buggy)

Pg up/pg dwn keys to scroll through lists fasterį5/F for registered items and field movesĬTRL - cycle through speed up options (use with caution)į9 - Soft Reset (Best to be used while standing in the overworld, or in a normal battle.

Added salesperson for power breeding items in the Dept Store, made default speed of text faster, trainers updated on boat]Ģ.2.1 - May 16th 2022, [bug fixes, donny acknowledges some of the static shinies you've run into, Feraligatrs shiny was changed, tournament team tweaks, updated speedup instructions to tell you which button to use lol, added some "event pokemon" to Rubble Island. Kokismash line has its offense stats buffedĢ.2.3 - June 8th, 2022, Ģ.2.2 - May 23rd, 2022. Mortossum and Viledoom have their bulk stats buffed More name tags for important story characters have been added. Safari Zone tweaked to not require some HM moves. Move Relearner ends up in Trident Tower Tournament Lobby after beating the game. Can be buggy if used during dialogue/events) (best to be used during battle or in the overworld. A form of Soft Reset has returned, use F9 to return to the title screen. Password Vendor for a Mystery Gift like system has been added (6F of Trident after beating game), EV Trainers in post-game added to 6f of the Trident Tower ONLINE FUNCTIONALITY ADDED (check out the new floor at Trident Tower) two more missions added (the entire dex is now catchable) more fakemon added (Dex total comes to 849)(so +18) Friend Passwords: Pool of 25 random passwords upped to 100+ (don't forget to share yours!)

Some battle animations have been updated/refined (Eruption got a glow up) Lake Trinity events moved to this new location.